AFL of San Diego & Imperial County is looking for volunteers to help with the following:

  • Event Coordinator

  • Assist the AFL Advisory Board in
    planning and promoting the
    Inspire Life West Coast Conference.

  • AFL Ambassador

  • Assist AFL by attending events and helping
    with information distribution at events.

  • Administrative Volunteer

  • Duties

  • Assist in quarterly meeting organization

  • Assist in collection of AFL Chapter info

  • Create reports for the advisory board

  • Assist in keeping of records

  • Maintain AFL equipment

  • Assist in AFL representation at events

  • Reports to Advisory Board Chair

Become a Member

To join AFL of San Diego & Imperial County, your organization will need to be sponsored by an existing member. Contact the director of one of the member groups to discuss how!

START An association

Associations are independently organized groups of organizations supporting the value of unborn life who share a geographical region and have an interest in cooperation. Regional associations give members the opportunity to collaborate, encourage, and advance the culture of life as a united body.

Organizing an association requires considerable commitment, but it will prove to be worthwhile. To begin, assess the need by networking within different groups in your geographical region to determine whether there is widespread interest that would ensure the group’s long-term viability. Also, confer with experienced leaders of an existing association about the basic administrative structure and operations. If you are unsure about how to begin promoting your idea to prospective members, consider these strategies:

  • Ask a member of an existing Association for assistance. Start by identifying the AFL Chapter nearest your region.

  • Find organizations in your region that support the protection of unborn life. Search online directories of Heartbeat (link) and Care-net (link) for pregnancy centers. Other groups to consider are adoption agencies, 40 Days for Life chapters, Post abortion healing groups, MFTs, Mercy ministries, Denominational governing bodies with protection of the unborn as a specific mission.

  • Organize a lunch or coffee meeting to discuss the possibility. Invite directors of the target organizations in the region.

  • Cooperate over the course of time to begin meeting and forming the association. By using the criteria as a guide, you are taking steps toward health, longevity and mutual cooperation with others that are in the same ministry field.