The Association for Life was founded in the early 1990's as a way for those involved in life ministries to gather together and work in concert with each other throughout our region. AFL members come from all different areas of ministry and serve to protect unborn life, bring healing to those who have struggled with past abortions and promote healthy relationships throughout San Diego and Imperial Counties. We recently expanded to help other regions to form similar associations in the U.S. and abroad.

AFL has grown for over two decades, creating a model with much trial and error for others' use and benefit. Our dream would be for many regions throughout the United States and abroad to meet regularly to encourage and spur one another on. Executive Directors of ministries supporting life often feel isolated and face great pressures. We need each other and benefit greatly by sharing resources and struggles with those who are called into the same field and share a common passion for life, especially those in the same geographical areas.
There are many ways to get involved in the Association for Life.